


I am 2 months out today. Where does the time go??
I am down 39 lbs. Missed my 2 month goal by 1 lb. That's ok though. I'm STILL on TOM. Stupid Mirena. I'll be glad when I get to the no TOM part, but for right now, this is not fun! 10 days and STILL going. I'm sort of getting worried about losing too much blood and getting anemic. I don't know if that can happen or not.

Anyway... I "feel" smaller, even though the scale hasn't moved. I'm probably just imagining it, but oh well. :) haha!

Food is really losing it's appeal. It's very weird for me to not think about food all the time. I'd just rather not eat half of the time. Again, weird. That's what I did this for so I'm happy.

Still trying to make exercise a habit. I'll do it once and then I'll get lazy for a few days.

OK let's talk about body changes. I stood naked in front of the mirror last night and let me tell you... what I saw is not pretty. LOL My stomach is totally deflating BUT my skin... Iy yi yi. It's all wrinkly and dimpley looking. Ew. My stomach is starting to look like a deflated balloon. I told my husband that as ugly as it is, I wish I would've taken some semi nude shots. Ones that would show my skin changes. Maybe I will start now since I still have over 100 lbs. to lose. On the other hand, do I really want to "remember" looking like this?? I dunno.

The girls went to a camp out last night with some friends and had a ball. I can't wait to be able to do stuff like that. Camp, swim in public, run, jump, hike, all of those things I've avoided for years. In time.

I HAVE to stop comparing my weight loss with others. I keep reading about people in my April2007 group who have already hit the 50 lbs. mark. I so want to be there!! We are heading to Cedar Point next Sat. and I really really wanted to be in the 220's by then. I'd have to lose 6 lbs. between now and then. I don't see it happening. :(

It's a daily struggle to find joy in the journey... but I'm going to keep trying!

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