


There is an end to the rope.

For so long, years even, since childhood... I've lived in the, "If I could only... then I'd be happy" lie. Here I sit and I've accomplished all those "if only's" and the pain is still there, deeper than ever. This is a scary place to be. A place without hope. A place filled with pain. I can't see, I can't feel and yet I hurt more deeply than ever. I'm just breathing in and out. In. Out. In.....Out.....


Susy said...

:( thinking of you today.

Tracy said...

Amber... checking on ya girly....

lots of calming vibes coming you way!

Dagny said...

Amber, I've had you on my mind all week. I've been so busy I haven't been able to write. You're turning into this healthy and GORGEOUS lady. What's going on? Do you have support to turn to there?